Forgot Your Password

In case you forgot your password, follow these steps to set up a new one.

Note: These steps are valid only if administrator allowed password recovery in WebClient Administrator Options > General > Password Reset.

1. Click Forgot?

Figure. Login dialog.

2. Enter security code. If it expired, click Generate new.

3. Click Send me instructions.

Figure. Forgot password dialog.

4. Check your alternate email Inbox for a password recovery email.

5. Click the URL provided in the email and enter a new password.

Figure. Email with instructions has been sent.

6. To set up a new password, fill in all requested fields and click Save new password.

Figure. Enter new password dialog.

Note: Password policy is set up by administrator in:

  • IceWarp Remote Administration Console > Domains&Accounts > Policies > Password Policy

  • WebAdmin > Server Settings > Policies

Note: The alternate email address can be set up

by administrator in:

  • IceWarp Remote Administration Console > Domains&Accounts > Management > Users > {user} > Options

  • WebAdmin > Users&Domains > {domain} > {account} > Email. For more details ask your administrator

or by the user in Options > Accounts